Basic Handgun Skills:
Learn basic handgun skills, safety rules, and live fire training. This 8-hour class will be conducted in 1 day. Classroom will consist of power points discussing safety rules, proper handgun skills, basic handgun, and self-defense. We will discuss grip, stance, sight alignment, sight picture, movement, the draw from holster and concealment. Once we are done in the classroom, we will head to the range and perform live fire drills.
Cost $199.95 per student. Range fee and targets included. Student must supply 150 rounds of ammunition and bring their own guns, holsters and at least 3 magazines and holder. (Guns and ammo available for rent $125)
Advanced Handgun Skills:
Take your training to the next level. In this 6-hour range course we work on perfecting grip, stance, sight alignment and sight picture. We focus on safe gun handling, magazine changes, and how to fix malfunctions. On the range we will shoot under stressful situations and learn how they affect our marksmanship. Learn how to draw and present from the concealed holster. We will engage multiple targets, learn how to shoot from cover and around barricades. We will also work on word challenges and NO shoot techniques.
Cost $250.00 per student. Range fee and targets included. Student must provide 250 rounds of ammo. Handgun, holster, concealed holster, 3 magazines and holder. Duty style belt preferred.